Softmerce Ecommerce Business Analytics

A Unified Analytics Platform

Softmerce analytics software, the power to solve is a simple drag-and-drop experience. It track your Online Ecommerce website business. And provide the analytics KPI of all process involved throughout the business cycle.

Customer Analytics

Provides customers purchase pattern, value time period information to make decisions towards marketing & promotion.

Product Analytics

Provides detailed information about the product sales pattern and the way in which each products are purchased.

Finance Analytics

Keep track of the detailed and overall status of the company finance to manage them effectively to increase profitability.

Sales Forecasting

Improve your sales

Get insight information about the products & customers. Improve your sales by underrating customers purchasing pattern. Implementing interactively develop timely niche markets before extensive imperatives. Professionally, repurpose interoperable growth strategies before effective core competencies. It help to see the some important sales metrics such as revenue, net profit, refunds, discounts and more. Track their change and correlation over a period of time.

Customer Tracking

Target Individual Customer Segment

Analytics provides information about the customers individual taste, purchase pattern and all other decision based on the customer. The customers response to the advertisement and marketing are also been tracked.

Product Analytics

Product metrics & KPI

Track & analyze that how your products are performing. The sale of every product will be monitored by category wise, brand wise and product wise. Each product is highlighted in order to increase the profitability. Learn which products are more profitable & which sells more often through ecommerce analytics tool.

Analytics provides a quick insight about where your business might

Let the Analytics provide insight about your business product & service. And it also, analyze insight about the customer & their perspective towards your company. Be informed about the health of the company live, anytime & anywhere.